Source code for mercator.meta

import inspect
from .errors import ProtobufCastError
from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor


[docs]class MercatorDomainClass(object): """The existence of this class is a trick to avoid redundant imports. Any subclasses of this are automatically supported by :py:class:`~mercator.meta.FieldMapping` as ``target_type``. This was introduced to support :py:class:`~mercator.SinglePropertyMapping` but can be used in the future in any new types that leverage type casting. """
[docs]class FieldMapping(object): """Base-class for field mapping declaration in :py:class:`~mercator.ProtoMapping` that is: - :py:class:`~mercator.ProtoKey` - :py:class:`~mercator.ProtoList` This base-class resides in :py:mod:`mercator.meta` so the metaclass can capture the field mapping declarations during import-time. :param name_at_source: a string with the name of key or property to be extracted in an input object before casting into the target type. :param target_type: an optional :py:class:`~mercator.ProtoMapping` subclass or native python type. Check :ref:`target-type` for more details. """ def __init__(self, name_at_source: str, target_type: type = None): self.name_at_source = name_at_source self.target_type = target_type if target_type is not None and not isinstance(target_type, type) and not isinstance(target_type, MercatorDomainClass): raise TypeError(f'{self.__class__} takes a type as second argument, but got {type(target_type).__name__} instead')
[docs] def cast(self, value): """coerces the given ``value`` into the target type. :param value: a python object that is compatible with the given ``target_type`` """ if value is None: return if self.target_type is None: return value try: return self.target_type(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: msg = str(e) raise ProtobufCastError(f'{msg} while casting "{value}" ({type(value).__name__}) to {self.target_type.__name__}')
[docs]class ImplicitField(FieldMapping): """Like :py:class:`~mercator.ProtoKey` but works is declared automagically by the metaclass. """
[docs]def is_field_property(obj): """utility function to check if the give object is a field from a protobuf message. For now there is not much metadata when inspecting a protobuf class compiled by protoc, so the current strategy is: 1. Take the ``obj.__class__`` 2. Take the ``__name__`` of the class. 3. Check that the name contains the string "FieldProperty" """ cls = getattr(obj, '__class__', None) name = getattr(cls, '__name__', '') return name and 'FieldProperty' in name
[docs]def field_properties_from_proto_class(proto_class): """inspects all members of the given proto_class and returns a list of those who seem to be a message field (determined by :py:meth:`~mercator.meta.is_field_property`) """ members = inspect.getmembers(proto_class) return [k for k, v in members if is_field_property(v)]
[docs]def validate_proto_attribute(name, attributes): """Invoked by :py:class:`~mercator.MetaMapping` during "import time" to validate the declaration of :ref:`proto`. """ proto_cls = attributes.get('__proto__') if not proto_cls: raise SyntaxError(f'class {name} does not define a __proto__') return proto_cls
[docs]def validate_and_register_base_model_class(cls, name, attributes): """Invoked by :py:class:`~mercator.MetaMapping` during "import time" to validate the declaration of :ref:`source-input-type`. """ base_model_class = attributes.get('__source_input_type__') if not base_model_class: return if not isinstance(base_model_class, type): raise SyntaxError(f'class {name} defined a __source_input_type__ attribute that is not a valid python type: {base_model_class}') else: BASE_MODEL_CLASS_REGISTRY[base_model_class] = cls
[docs]class MetaMapping(type): """Metaclass to leverage and enforce correct syntax sugar when declaring protomappings. Check the source code for comments explaining how everything works. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attributes): cls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attributes) if name in ('MetaMapping', 'ProtoMapping'): return cls proto_cls = validate_proto_attribute(name, attributes) validate_and_register_base_model_class(cls, name, attributes) # extract field names from the __proto__ class, those will # become "ImplicitField" instances in the eyes of mercator. field_names = field_properties_from_proto_class(proto_cls) # create a dictionary with all default implicit fields implicit_field_mappings = dict([(k, ImplicitField(k)) for k in field_names]) # extract all FieldMapping declarations from the ProtoMapping # itself, this means all ProtoKey and ProtoList arguments will # be considered "explicit fields" in the eyes of mercator. explicit_field_mappings = dict([(k, v) for k, v in attributes.items() if isinstance(v, FieldMapping)]) # store the metadata in the class definition to leverage the # whole magic of mapping attributes. cls.__field_names__ = field_names cls.__implicit_mappings__ = implicit_field_mappings cls.__explicit_mappings__ = explicit_field_mappings # generate one final dict with the implicit and explicit fields. # note the deliberate override of implicit fields with explicit ones. cls.__fields__ = dict(list(implicit_field_mappings.items()) + list(explicit_field_mappings.items())) # register all ProtoMapping declarations collected during # "import time" in a global dictionary that can be used for # instrospection and debugging of existing mappings. REGISTRY[name] = cls return cls